...don't even ignore 'em.
-- Samuel Goldwyn

Friday, May 27, 2005

Blog(-us) Market Research?

Every so often I'm seized by an impulse to get, like, a handle on the blog scene. I got one this morning and my search-raking turned up Blogpulse.com, a search site that claims its software analyzes over 11 million blogs and produces a slice-dice analysis of what's hot on any given day. Ahem, so here's what Blogpulse says were the top three most linked-to pages in blogs yesterday:

1. The story in the Indianapolis Star about the judge who forbade a divorcing couple to raise their kids as Wiccans. (That's number one)
2. Those two geniuses in the UK who got hurt light-sabre-fighting (and videoing themselves) with gasoline-filled fluorescent light tubes.
3. A movie trailer featuring penguins. (You'll need Quicktime)
I don't think I'll do this anymore.

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