...don't even ignore 'em.
-- Samuel Goldwyn

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Radio, alive and well.

Here's a new show on public radio and the Web -- no show of any kind can afford to ignore the Web. It's called Open Source, because it integrates its blog-site with the production and presentation of the show, which is about "everything" and features Christopher Lydon, interviewer, reporter, writer. Monday, June 6, it starts its second week. It's only on about five public radio stations now, but July 4 Public Radio International starts marketing it to its 700-plus stations. It's coming from WGBH Boston and is on KUOW Seattle, among others. You can also download it via the site, on MP3. The Web radio world is exploding. Web+broadcast radio is the essential combination for the future. Makes me want to get back in. Almost.

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